Earlier this year I came across a site called CrazyGuyOnABike. It is a place where folks from all across the globe can journal their bike tours. Folks tour from coast to coast, border to border and everything in between sharing the story of their bicycle touring adventures. I have been all kinds of inspired from reading the journal entries of cyclists who ride all over the world. Did I mention it is inspiring? Oh, I did? Well, it really is inspiring.
Last week I happened upon a journal for Matt and Pam who are cycling from California to Florida along what is commonly known at the Southern Tier. I began corresponding with them in the hopes of being able to visit with them somewhere along the Central Texas portion of their ride. Luckily everything worked out for us to meet for an early dinner while they were taking a couple of rest days in Comfort, TX. Below is the quick audio interview and a picture from our delicious dinner at PO PO Restaurant.

I really enjoyed spending time with Matt and Pam. I hope they didn’t mind all the interrogating…er..um…questions I had regarding the down and dirty aspects to bike touring that typically don’t make it to the journal entries of CrazyGuyOnABike. Thank you both for your candor, honesty and not balking when I asked the tough questions. I hope to begin my own CrazyGuyOnABike adventure in early April.
So, if Matt and Pam’s journey interests you, if you have ever been on a bike tour or are fired up and ready to join my West Texas Triangle Tour let me hear form you in the comments or via email.