Tag: Henry L. Parrilla

Personal & Team Preparations

As the departure date gets ever closer there are a few things that need to be done. Over the past week, we have taken a bike mechanics class, had our tour mascot given the thumbs up for travel and I had my eyes examined. You know we captured it all on film as part of the documentary. So, here it all is for your viewing pleasure:


Henry L. Parrilla from Bike Seven showed Jordan and I how to replace a bike chain, repair a broken spoke and how to install a new derailer. While we hope we never have to use these repair skills during the bike tour, we sure are glad we know how to make repairs should the need arise. Thank you, Henry for sharing your bike repair knowledge as well as words of wisdom when it comes to long distance bike touring.

Jennifer getting her eyes examinedI went to visit the eye doctor at the insistence of my mother, Nelda Cooling, owner of Koolaches Bakery (and a sponsor of the tour). As many of you know, I have been using over-the-counter reading glasses for a couple of years now. I’ve been in denial about really needing glasses, but I knew it was time to make it official. What I didn’t know was exactly how much I really needed them. I had an “Oh dear!” moment upon hearing that bifocals were in my future. I am now getting the hang of contacts. Putting things in and out of my eyeballs just seems so opposite of what I should be doing. What I will say is that being able to look at my phone without reaching for glasses is a very nice thing. Thanks Mom!

The last thing we did this week was to take our Ladybird, who is the Official Bike Tour Mascot, for her annual checkup. At 14 years of age, we wanted to make sure she was fit and ready for two months of travel and adventure. Something we found especially interesting was that she would need travel papers in order for her to legally cross state lines. Turns out that taking a pet outside of state lines without travel papers can be a costly endeavor which can get your pet impounded. Happy to say she is squared away with a rabies shot as well as flea and heart meds.


As you can see in her video, she is less than amused. Being poked and prodded does not make for a happy puppy. This will not be the last time you see Ladybird on video. We will also be sharing “Ladybird Approved” dog-friendly locations as part of our bike tour discoveries.